Your Best Year Ever

Your Best Year Ever

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I’ve been putting off re-activating this blog. I had an epic fail at the beginning of the year and I lost all the content that I’ve ever posted. Five years worth of author interviews, reviews, promotions, and information all gone. I had to start all over again. I’ve been rethinking about what I’d like to do and what I should focus on. But the problem is, I tend to suffer from analysis paralysis and then nothing gets done.

So… today… without any further thought, I decided ‘Post something! Anything!’

Then I remembered I recently finished reading Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt. And, wham! I had an idea for my first post! Here is it:

Review of: Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

I bought a hard cover copy at the beginning of 2018. I had grand plans to kick off my year with a productive start and have this be the year I actually accomplished my numerous goals. I started the book with a lot of gusto and I was feeling really good. But then my old pals, Distraction and Procrastination paid me a visit and I set aside Mr. Hyatt’s book. And the book sat on my night stand for over two months.

I didn’t want to read it. Not because it was bad, I just found better things to do.

Well, how the heck was I going to learn how to have my best year ever if I don’t read the darn book?!

The Universe must have heard me because as the days sped by, I found myself in a couple of situations when I had nothing else to do, but read the book. It was either read or be bored out of my mind. I read.

Then lo and behold, it was as if Mr. Hyatt was talking to me right from the pages of the book and small sparks of  wonder and understanding, lit my defiant mind and I began to read and read and read until I finished the book. I conquered. (I’m posing right now like Capt Morgan with my chest puffed out in pride. LOL!)

Would I recommend this book? Yes

Rating: 4 stars

Genre: Non-fiction/Self Improvement/Productivity

Pace of book: For me it was slow at first, but as I got into the lessons. I started to read faster.

What did I like best? I like easy to understand books. My day job requires too much thinking already. When I read, I either want to be entertained or learn fast. I don’t want to try and figure out what the author is trying to communicate because their language is too complicated or the words they’ve chosen are too out of my zone.

Your Best Year Ever accomplishes my preferences for ‘easy to understand’ and ‘use of everyday words.’ It is packed with information on why people respond and think the way they do. It’s a non-judgy book especially for self-aware procrastinators like myself. LOL! Anyways, the author even provides an online quiz that the reader can take as a tool for self-assessment. The quiz is a way for the reader to look at the major areas of life that we typically want to improve. Oh, by the way, the author does discuss the major areas of life that we usually have some associated goal about — financial, spiritual, family, health, etc.

I also liked that there are action steps at the end of the chapters. The actions steps reinforces the lessons. That’s a thumbs up for me because I learn best by doing. Did you know there’s a difference between habits and goals? I never really thought about it before I read this book. But that’s another jewel the author discusses and how you can build on a habit to get you to your goal.

For you planner fans. The author also provides a sample planner at the end of the book. This visual tool was (for me) very helpful because I got to see how to put everything together.

I will definitely have to read this book again (and whenever needed). It’s packed full of such good information, there’s no way to get everything in just one pass. This will be one of those books that gives you something more and different each time you read it. Definitely worth the purchase.

I got my book from Amazon. If you’d like to check it out use the button below.





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