12 Angels Publishing

12 Angels Publishing

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I wanted to take a little bit of time to explain 12 Angels Publishing.

In my last post, I mentioned that I’ve been busy with other things so I haven’t been reading or listening to audiobooks as much. The reason is that I want to go back to 12 Angels Publishing. 12 Angels was my passion project going back to around 2012.

My dad had passed away in 2009 and his loss hit me like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Even as I think about it now, I’m still on the verge of tears. I miss my dad now. There’s not a day that he doesn’t pop up in my mind. But, in 2009 and a few years after, I was hurting. It was in those few years after his death that I started delving into spirituality.

I was raised Catholic. Growing up, we were at church almost every Sunday. It was one of the rare times, that all four of us got to really be together. My mom worked crazy hours. My dad worked everyday. My brother and I took care of ourselves when our parents weren’t around. I think that for me, my brother, and my Dad we went to church because of and for my mom. We were there just to be together. For the three of us, to say that we were there to connect with the church? I don’t think so.

Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t that we didn’t believe in God. We do. But, I don’t think church really connected with the three of us, like it did with my mom. I guess my point with this is that I wasn’t religious.

But, after my dad passed away, I felt drawn to spirituality. I had this deep need to find and understand what was happening. I’ve always loved books and so my natural tendency was to read. I started reading about metaphysics, angels, energy healing. Whatever I could get my hands on. And then I noticed that I started feeling better. The hurt of losing my dad, started getting better. My pain, turned to an ache I could manage.

After immersing myself in spiritual books, the next thing I couldn’t deny, was an urge to write. What?! I was just as surprised. But, at the time, it felt like it was part of my therapy. I had to. So, I did!

The first book I wrote was Spirit 101. It’s not about my Dad, but about all the stuff I learned about metaphysics after his passing. I still love this book. I’ve learned so much more since publishing over 10 years ago. I should probably release a follow up book. Spirit 101 — Amazon says is from 2012, but I think that’s when I updated it. If I remember correctly, I either originally published in 2010 or 2011.

However, 2012 is significant because that’s when I published my first fiction book under a pseudonym I still use to this day. I have not written another non-fiction book, because I fell in love with writing fiction. I found it to be a good outlet for my creative side that I did not even realize (at the time) needed to be let out. I have a very analytical job. I deal with problems all day. Needless to say, I’m drained when I get home.

But when I write my stories, I get a charge. My mind feels better. My body feels lighter.

In 2012, my friend told me I should make it official, and have a business around my writing. I thought it was a great idea. Next thing, I knew I was applying for a fictitious business license name permit with our local government and 12 Angels Publishing was born.

12 Angels Publishing is now 12 years old. In that time, yes, I’ve written books and I’ve created a couple of blogs, but I have not treated 12 Angels Publishing like the business I had originally intended. It’s really been more of a hobby. I spend more money than I make, if I even make anything.

2024 is here and I am again getting that push to do something. The push is to actually build and create under 12 Angels Publishing and make it grow. Make it truly be the business that I had dreamed of. It scares me because I am older now. I’m even more cautious, and there is so much to learn. Not to mention, I hate screwing up and messing up and I know that mistakes inevitably happen. Ugh!

But, I’m working on my mindset and actually I’m finding that I’m not resisting like I would have say 10 years ago. I feel more ready to take on this journey even though I am scared. Over a decade ago, I felt compelled to find my own path of spirituality. I was then led to write a book. And now… 12 years later, I’m feeling compelled to grow this seed I planted so many years ago. It’s time.

It’s time for work. It’s time to figure what I need to do to transition something from a hobby to a business. What seeds do I have? I want to record this on this blog as well because not only can I see it, but it almost feels like I’m gathering positivity around my wish by sharing it in this space. Thank you in advance for helping me with this.

Here’s what we got:

  • Books, Blogs, & Bits (this blog)
  • Iggylife (my other blog)
  • Cecily Magnon — Amazon Author Page (my pen name as a fiction author. Ugh! I can’t believe I’m coming out of the closet about this. I guess my ‘secret identity’ is not so secret anymore.)
  • Cecily’s World
  • Cecily Magnon
  • 12 Angels Publishing — Amazon Author Page (I use this ‘pen name’ to publish low content books.)

My current goal and what I’ve been working on is adding on an Etsy store for printable products. I’ve been having fun creating the products. I’ll post it here, once I have a store opened up. I don’t know what my future Etsy store name will be yet. I have ideas. Hopefully, they are not taken. LOL!

My future goal for 12 Angels Publishing is for it to be the main trunk of the tree. Then all my ventures will be the branches. The list below is my future vision for 12 Angels Publishing. Each one has a different name for the ‘branch,’ but it’s all me, or my business me –12 Angels Publishing. It feels a bit lofty, especially since I have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s time.

  • Blogs
  • Books and e-books
  • Low content books
  • Printables
  • Stickers
  • future ideas

Wish me luck! Thanks again for being here.

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