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I’m going to start this by saying that after finishing A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOMAF), I am now fully invested in this fantasy world that Ms. Sarah J. Maas has created and has lovingly shared with the reading world. Thank you, Ms. Maas!

I liked ACOTAR, but I love ACOMAF!

No spoilers here, but just a quick summary: ACOTAR is where we meet the main female character, Feyre. This is where the world building begins when Feyre’s world is completely changed after she comes back from a hunt. In ACOTAR, the male main character is Tamlin whom the reader will fall in love with. He’s the quiet, but intense hero in this book. But if you read my prior post, this book gives off a total Beauty and Beast vibe.

Now, come ACOMAF. The 2nd book which starts where the 1st one leaves off. For ACOMAF, another male main character comes and makes the reader forget about Tamlin. This is Rhysand’s book and by the end of it, you will be in love and in lust with Rhysand. ACOMAF, is where the histories of the characters and their world is given. The other thing I loved about ACOMAF are the additional characters that come out. Let’s just say, they are the type of friends I want in my inner circle — Amren, Mor, Cassian, and Azriel.

Ugh! I’m dying to give more information, but if I do, I risk giving spoilers and I don’t want to do that.

What I’m going to say is that ACOMAF is over 600 pages, but it will not read like 600 pages. Every page will be devoured in a matter of minutes. This is the book that you will lose sleep on because you cannot stop reading. Just one more page, was my mantra during this book.

And after I finished, I just had to look at fan art – because there’s plenty. And there goes another rabbit hole. Do be careful with the fan art rabbit hole because you will run into spoilers if you’re not careful what you click on. But the fan art on Velaris (book location) is beautiful and dreamy and mystical and the images in my head brought to life.

Love, love, this book! I hope you read it. Start with ACOTAR. The books are building on each other and jumping into the middle without reading the ones before is not recommended.

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