Big Magic

Big Magic

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I just finished the audio book version of Elizabeth Gilbert’s Big Magic. Short review — I LOVED IT!

I had no idea when I purchased the audio book that this was the same author of Eat.Pray.Love. I was so surprised when she got to that part of the book. Nevermind, that it says so on the cover! LOL! Anyways, I digress. I would recommend this book to anyone who has a love for the creative arts. Whether that love is to become a professional at your chosen medium, or if the pursuit is for the pure happiness of creating.

Ms. Gilbert narrates the book — her tone, pace, and timbre throughout the reading made me feel like I was listening to a fairy tale and not a non-fiction/motivational type book. There is definite magic in her prose and it made me (as a writer) want to be able to write with the same smooth, fluid, elegance that she does. There were so many moments during my listen that I was like “Thank you for saying that, Ms. Gilbert!”

I really love her perspective of creative living and being a creative professional. I can’t say enough about this book and how good it made me feel to have a dream of being a creative. What resonated with me most (and it’s a perspective that I have not heard before) is that our ideas, our genius, our inspiration are these magical sparks of sensitience that find us and use us the vessel by which they can become material.

What?! Yes!

I love this notion because it makes me feel like we as creatives are a mere tool for the Universe to work her magic through. These sparks are not just thoughts conceived by our minds, but an actual energy that comes to us, and can leave us when we are not ready, or we choose to ignore their calling.

With this notion, I feel a sense of wonder and humility that I may be chosen by Idea, Genius, Inspiration, or Muse to work with. They are alive and should be cherished when they choose to partner with us. Think of the trust that takes.

This doesn’t mean sit around and do nothing until Muse taps your shoulder. No. Not at all. There is also magic in consistent work and putting down the hours to hone your craft. Hard work afterall is also recognized by the Universe.

Magic is everywhere. We just need to stop and recognize it.

Let go of the fear(s) and keep creating.

Listen or read Big Magic, you’ll love it!!

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