Business is open!

Business is open!

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Whoop! There she is!

PandaTudePress at Etsy is open. This is what I’ve been working on. I wanted to start an Etsy store for digital, downloadable products. When I was looking into this huge niche (printables), I was really intrigued by it. I left the idea, but it kept coming back to me. Finally, I just had to look into it seriously and see if this is something I can actually do.

As I dove into the market, there are sooo many options. Initially, I wanted to do planners, trackers, and journals. Because those are the products that I would buy. But then I saw that people were also doing printable coloring pages and I fell in love with the idea. I found my niche. I got excited and I knew this was the niche I was supposed to be in.

There has definitely been a steep learning curve to be able to open the store. As of today, I only have seven listings, but I’m working on it. There is so much to learn and with each new step, is a new learning process. And even with all that I’ve applied, I’m pretty sure that my store is not as optimized as it can be. But, at this point, my goal was just to get it open. I’m really trying to go by the philosophy of “something is better than nothing.”

I do love how it’s looking and growing. It is definitely not perfect, but I love it! It’ll just get better, as I get better and learn more. Don’t you just love the store avatar? So cute. I did that with Midjourney. Oy! That’s been a learning curve too.

PandaTudePress — I hope you visit soon!

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