Dream building

Dream building

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On my last post I reported that I’m pursuing a long time dream of mine. That dream is to have my own business. This is a dream that has always been with me. The type of business has changed over the years depending on my interest at the time. But the dream to have a business of my own has always been there. Sometimes, the dream gets really quiet and I can barely feel it. There are times, it nags at me to get something started. And sometimes, the dreams begs not to be forgotten.

I feel like I’m finally taking this dream seriously. I feel like I’m finally taking the steps to make something happen. I’m also very realistic that this is going to be slow and that there will be mistakes, errors, and failures. That scares me, but I’m going to keep taking steps forward.

That fear of the “what if,” in the negative has always stopped me in my tracks before. I’m trying not to let that happen this time around. I’m taking small steps a day. So far and since my last post, I’ve been consistent with taking intentional action. Actions that allow me to take one more step. Most times, the steps have been small, but I’m reminding myself that it’s still a step. This is making me learn patience.

It’s been good for me. Since doing this, although I have fears and worries, my spirit feels calm. Happy. The pursuit of something meaningful, has been surprisingly balancing. For a long time, I’ve always felt like there was something there — on the other side of something I can’t even see, but it’s scratching at me to look.

Now, I can see what might be on the other side. I’m not there yet. But each step is bringing me closer and I feel like I can see the other side better as I move forward.

This week, I’ve been busy creating products for my soon to be Etsy store. I had a certain number of products in mind that I wanted to reach before taking the next steps to get my store set up. I don’t have a lot of extra time to do this. I work a full time job, but I’m finding a few minutes before and after work to make room for this. I’m learning how to adjust my schedule. I know that I will need to keep producing new items — especially if my little store begins to grow and thrive.

I have a few more items to create, then I can start working on the prep work to open up an Etsy store. I’m getting closer. Whew! It’s exciting. Scary too! Seriously tho. I’m in this Facebook group of other creators who are in the same stage as me and entering into the world of Etsy. They are ahead of me and there’s been a good bunch who have been suspended. They don’t know why. Apparently, Etsy has a bot that does this automatically. Some suspensions have been successfully appealed. Others have resulted in permanent banishment. What?! Yikes! I can’t help, but worry about that same possibility for me.

It’s taking a lot of time and effort to be able to get ready for an Etsy store. What if… I get suspended? But I’m just going to take a deep breath and pray I don’t run into that problem. I’m moving forward. But, the lesson here is that I have to have a back up plan. My focus has been on Etsy. But, I should have a Plan B — just in case.

Thank you for being here.

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