The Chosen Series by Nancy Brooks

The Chosen Series by Nancy Brooks

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You know that I love reading! It is one of my go-to activities when I want to relax, to de-stress, to learn, or be entertained. It’s something I’ve done since I was a kid and happy to say that it’s a habit that will probably never go away.

I admit that it does ebb and flow at times. There are times when I can’t get enough to read, and there’s other times like now, when I’m only reading casually. But regardless of my reading status, one of my all time favorite authors is Nancy Brooks. Despite me being a reader for years, my Favorite Author list is not long at all. I can probably count those cherished few in one hand.

NANCY BROOKS, is one of those few cherished authors that has made my very short list!

Full disclosure, Nancy is a dear dear friend of mine. I’ve known her for over 20 years and when we first met, she found out I was an avid reader and I found out she was a writer! It was meant to be. I remember one of the first questions I asked her after I read one of her manuscript was ‘Why aren’t you published?’ Her writing is amazing. Her imagination is crazy-good and if you want to travel to an exotic location filled with adventure, just grab one of her books! It doesn’t matter which one. Every single one will take you on a roller coaster ride filled with monsters and hot heroes. The details in her books are so good, you will literally feel that you are standing in the middle of the scene with her characters. You will see the sights and smell the smells. Reading a Nancy Brooks book is like going on an excursion, and The Chosen series will take you on a tour of the senses like no other! It’s heart pounding in so many different ways.

The series is growing and there are more books planned. But if you want to get a start, you can find the series through this link. Or visit the website at

The last book dropped in this series is Unrelenting, and here’s what’s in store for you with Macaquento’s story:

As his fellow Matadores combine forces with unlikely allies, Macaquento and his kinsmen embark on their own journey—to capture their wayward comrades and return them to Vai-mahse.

Born into a life of poverty, Macaquento and his uncles have learned to live their lives to the fullest, for the thrill of the moment, taking everything they want, destroying what they don’t, and relishing their well-deserved degenerate reputations. Torn between obeying his master and prolonging his freedom, Macaquento finds himself in Pássaro Azul just as two opposing forces turn their attention on the town’s Shifter population, capturing and containing everyone they can—including the children.

Despite his inclination towards self-preservation, he unwittingly finds himself drawn to an audacious woman unlike any he’s ever encountered before, a woman who not only satisfies his every desire, but who forces him to set aside his miscreant behavior and help her save the town she loves. Though violence and vice have been his only passions, Macaquento is forced to reach deep within himself to find and release the unrelenting hero no one ever expected him to be.

Unrelenting is another step on a whirlwind adventure that will encourage non-humans to finally fight for the rights to this world…

To promote The Chosen Series, Nancy is getting ready to go on a cross country trip. Trust me when I say, just walking across the street with Nancy is adventurous! Fun follows her and there is always a story.

Follow her adventures on the #2024MonkeyTrail.

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