You ARE enough

You ARE enough

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I’m participating in the Writing Contest: You Are Enough, hosted by Positive Writer.

I got an email from Positive Writer about a writing contest. Normally, I don’t pay attention to contests, but this one got my attention.

Why? It spoke to me 🙂

The contest in its essence is asking writers to do only one thing — be kind and tell another writer how they are enough. That’s the only rule. I love that and I started to think about how this contest isn’t about winning, it’s about supporting each other and encouraging each other through this crazy path we’ve all decided to step into.

So here goes…


When I see you, dear writer, I see a Super Human.

I see a being so wondrous in their creativity, YOU are magic in flesh.

You, dear writer, see the power of words. You understand how words are not simply chained together in some accidental fashion. There is intelligence, strategy, and deliberateness in what you compose.

Your words paint scenes so vivid, you have the ability to transport readers into other worlds.

Your words are so filled with knowledge, you have the ability to teach.

And, with your creativity, you can entertain.

Who else, but you, dear writer can do this?

Do not ever take your talent for granted for it is a gift.

It does not matter what some trolls may say. Because trolls dwell in the dark and they cannot take the light that you are.

Shine your light so bright that it blinds the trolls and the mongrels who try to beat you down.

Spread your magic and sprinkle your fairy-dust farther and farther and farther out. Because your talent is what this world needs.

In our times of darkness, your words can become the light. Remember that even the flicker of a single candle can be seen in total darkness.

Do not give up. This was not meant to be easy and that’s why you were chosen for it. Because who else can weather the ups and downs of doubt and fear and then elation, but the intrepid mind and heart of writer.

Believe me when I say your words you are connecting with more people than you know.

How you ask?

I say, I am thankful to you and other writers who came before you. My mind is alive because of the stories I’ve read. I’ve learned to question because of texts that have lit my curiosity. Because of books, I’ve been able to weather my own storms.

As a reader I come to you to tell you, I feel your love, your passion, and your inspiration. You are in every page. I see the worlds you’ve created. I fall in love with the characters you’ve shared. And I grow from the education you’ve given. You come from a generous spirit because that is what Creatives are.

Writers are creators.

Writing is your divine purpose and it is a gift that has been bestowed especially for you.  I hear the music in your words. I see the paint in your prose. I see the symmetry in your compositions. Who else, but you, dear writer can do this?

Please continue to share your gifts for we could use every bit of positivity in this world. And no one can do this better than you, dear writer because YOU ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH


To check out the writing contest, click this link to Positive Writer.

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