Super Attractor

Super Attractor

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I finished Super Attractor, by Gabrielle Bernstein last week. I’ve actually had this audiobook cued up in my list for a while. I started it and couldn’t get into it at first. I left it alone and went back to my fiction reads.

I think when I initially started to listen to the book, I was on a self-improvement overload and couldn’t take anymore. Between the audiobooks and podcasts I was listening to on a daily basis, I just needed a break. It wasn’t at all about the goodness of this book.

When I was ready and I pulled up the audio again, I was immediately hooked. I loved it. I felt like I was listening to a really smart, grounded, but also really cool girlfriend. You know the kind you can call at anytime and pour your heart out to? The kind that always gives the best advice, but doesn’t preach or lecture? Yeah, that’s the vibe I got from the author.

The core of the book is how to manifest and go after the dreams you’ve always dreamed of. That part of the process is about trusting in the Universe and allowing things to flow. That to receive what you asked for, you have to trust in the timing of the Universe. But if you have to wait, it doesn’t mean you stop working on it. Both work and trust are needed to manifest the magic you want to see in your life.

There are lots of nuggets and wisdom inspired lessons in the book. But this review is not to provide you a ‘Cliff’s Notes’ version. LOL! Go read the book or listen to the audio. (Have I mentioned, this is now my favorite format to ‘read’ non-fiction books?) I’m sure that the next time I listen to it, I’ll pick up on something else. It’s definitely one of those books, you want to revisit at a another time.

The book was good. I listen/read alot into this topic and have heard the same concepts and lessons before. But, Super Attractor was presented in a fresh, modern way that provided me another perspective. I like when I can think of something in a new way — even though it may be a topic I’m already familiar with.

It’s why I love books in general, because you never really read something the same way twice.

I would recommend this book to anyone interested in manifesting or the law of attraction. It’s easy to listen to and was easy to understand. When I’m learning something, I want things to be easily explained. I don’t need to be impressed by big, confusing words that I have to look up before I can continue.

Give it a try and happy reading!

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